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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: I Keep My Marriage Sweet

By Dr. Laura on April 13, 2023
Man in blue button-up laughs while holds his phone and placing his arm on the legs of woman wearing white blouse

One day, I heard you talking to a woman who wasn’t enjoying her marriage. You asked her if she was being sweet, and then repeated the question. That stuck to me like glue. Since that moment, anytime I feel upset or frustrated, I ask myself, β€œam I being sweet?” It turns me in the right direction as to where I need my attitude to be



Recently, I sent my husband a text message – a very SWEET text message! That evening, a friend of his came over and was discussing marriage problems that he and his wife were having. His comment to me was, β€œI wish my wife were as sweet as you.” It made my whole day. My husband was proud, and so was I.


So, thank you, Dr. Laura, for keeping my marriage sweet – we have two grown boys and have been married for over twenty sweet years.



I Keep My Marriage Sweet


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