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Email of the Day: I Now Understand What a Man Needs

By Dr. Laura on January 30, 2023
Email of the Day: I Now Understand What a Man Needs

My parents are big listeners, and growing up, I thought you were old-fashioned and too extreme. In my early 20s, I told myself I would never get married and never get caught dead catering to the needs of a man. If I were to get married, he would cater only to MY needs and career and that was that! Then I met an amazing man. He is gentle, kind, sexy, smart and tells me how much he enjoys me in his life every day. We talk about everything, and we are planning to marry later in the year.


One day, we were in the car, listening to you do a marriage advice/sex segment. I thought for sure he would agree with me about how ridiculous you sounded and that certainly no man would actually stand for any of that nonsense you espoused. Then he turned the dial up on the radio and said β€œthis woman is truly a woman who understands what a man needs!”


After a long conversation at that time, and several discussions afterward, I finally realized how right you are. Men aren’t as complicated as we make them out to be, and being proud of your man and being his girlfriend is a really great way to embrace my own femininity. I’ve never felt more like a strong woman than when I am with him and I know I’m his girl.


I can’t wait to stand next to him in a few months and bind our lives together forever. I plan to include in my vows that I will be his girlfriend for the rest of my life. I look forward to many years of β€œshower sex,” back rubs, and keeping him on task (nicely and cutely and sexily).


Gretchen (A Reformed Feminist)

I Now Understand What a Man Needs


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