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Email of the Day: I Thought I Wasn’t “Dateable”

By Dr. Laura on October 28, 2022
Email of the Day: I Thought I Wasn’t “Dateable”

When I hear a young woman call in about boy woes, I’m reminded of something that happened to me in high school a long time ago. A guy friend told me that he rated girls he was interested in dating from one to three: “1” was cute, “2” was pretty, and “3” was beautiful. He then told me I was a “1.” Needless to say, I was disappointed to just be considered “cute.” What girl doesn’t want to be considered “pretty” or “beautiful?” Then he said “The cute girls get all the dates. Guys are afraid of beautiful girls. We figure they’re stuck up or out of our league. Pretty girls only seem to go out with the most popular or wealthy or charming guys. The cute girls are those who are approachable, fun, not full of themselves and are asked out the most. Cute girls are the ones that guys take home to meet mom.”


You know what? He was right. I was amazed in the years that followed that I never lacked for dates as a young lady, even though I never slept with a single guy until I married my husband, and I didn’t even kiss on the first date. I watched with wonder as my pretty and beautiful friends were NOT asked out by some great guys. It still amazes me to this day. So, I don’t mind being a “1,” because after all, the right guy did take me home to meet his wonderful mom over 30 years ago. And HE thinks I’m “beautiful!”



I Thought I Wasn’t “Dateable”




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