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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: I Thought My Husband Didn’t Do Enough For Me

By Dr. Laura on February 17, 2023
Older woman touches her forehead with the forehead of older man

Many years ago, my husband and I were at odds. I thought that he just wasn’t doing enough for ME. We ended up in counseling, and the person we worked with told us he thought our marriage was hopeless! He asked us if we still loved each other and we both said “yes.” On the way home (we had gone in separate cars), I began to think that if I really loved him, I should just get in gear and show him.


Maybe it was divine intervention, but you were on the radio at that time, and you happened to talk about treating your husband like you did when you were dating. I thought “Oh, hell, I’ll give it a whirl.” Over time, my attitude changed everything. We had years of dating fun. I absolutely spoiled him. The joy of seeing him so happy changed my world and it changed his too. I did not do this alone. He reciprocated. I realized I married a good man and I was a good woman.

This past September, I came home and found him slumped over at his desk. He died unexpectedly. I am comforted by the fact that I have no regrets about our life together, and I’m left with the gift of years of memories of doing it all with my dear husband.



I Thought My Husband Didn’t Do Enough For Me


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