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Email of the Day: I Wasted Time With an On-Again/Off-Again Boyfriend

By Dr. Laura on June 29, 2022
Email of the Day: I Wasted Time With an On-Again/Off-Again Boyfriend

Starting when I was eighteen, I wasted ten years of my life waiting for my boyfriend to decide about me. Finally, he broke up with me and married soon after. Thank goodness he did, or I may have wasted another ten years.


After the breakup, I learned to stand on my own two feet. I bought my own house, developed my own interests, and travelled all over the world. Then, at 48 years old, I married the man of my dreams. He loves me. He is my boyfriend, my Prince Charming, and the kindest man I know. I’m lucky that, after wasting so much time on the wrong man, I was able to find the right man. I’m thankful every day for having found such a wonderful guy.


My old boyfriend contacted me by email earlier in the year. I hadn’t heard from or run into him in years. He wanted to meet for lunch. It gave me great pleasure to inform him that I was happily married and after I bragged about my wonderful husband, he quit emailing me.


Some stories do have happy endings!



I Wasted My Time With an On-Again/Off-Again Boyfriend




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