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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: It Took a Broken Leg to Improve My Marriage

By Dr. Laura on October 3, 2023
Smiling man stands on crutches while smiling woman holds onto one of his arms and leans head on his shoulder

I have been married over 14 years, with two children. Along the way, I became a great mom and a crappy wife. I’ve actually said to myself a few times, β€œwhy does my husband not understand that at the end of the day, I don’t want anyone in my face needing anything – not the kids and not him!” How can an educated woman not see the flaw in that thought?


Then my husband broke his leg. My estrogen took over and all I wanted to do was take care of him. Simultaneously, I became aware that lack of intimacy was one of the top relationship killers. During my caretaking, I realized I felt better β€œloving on” my husband. He felt better, too, and was happy and complimentary to me.


I bought β€œThe Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” and it now all seems like such a no-brainer! Without the injury, I don’t know when I would have finally put the pieces together to fix our marriage. Your advice on what it takes to make him happy is so simple. Luckily, I chose wisely and am now treating kindly. I’m also happy that I finally implemented all the advice you’ve given over the years on your radio program!




It Took a Broken Leg To Improve My Marriage


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