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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Laughing Together Makes a Marriage Better

By Dr. Laura on March 14, 2024
Man wearing birthday hat looks down at woman wearing birthday hat and opening card while sitting at table with a present, cake, and '65' balloons

This year, I decided to do something nice for myself before my January birthday. I thought, why not give myself a pedicure to feel more feminine? So, I did just that β€” I bought some polish and painted my toes the night before my birthday.


My sweet husband of 46 years also decided to do something special. He spray-painted β€˜65’ on cardboard just hours before the special day. He placed the big numbers and a vase of roses on the kitchen table, hoping it would be the first thing I would see once I woke up.


A strong odor awoke me very early. It must be the nail polish I just got, I thought. So, I started my birthday by scrubbing the color off my toes at 4:30 in the morning. I went back to bed, but the smell was still there. Later that morning I realized where it was coming from. The spray-paint on the cardboard numbers hadn’t dried! I saw all the love and time it took my husband to make this sweet surprise. I stayed quiet about my mix-up for days.


When I finally told him, we both laughed and agreed this birthday was extra special. β€œOh honey, if you want to paint your toes again, go for it,” my beloved chuckled.





Laughing Together Makes a Marriage Better


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