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Email of the Day: I'm Still Not Over My Parents' Divorce

By Dr. Laura on November 15, 2023
Paper doll family has father placed on one side of broken paper heart while mother is on the other side with child between them on the crack

I’m in my 50s and I’m still not over my parents’ divorce.


Year after year, I’ve watched my stepmom control all dates in the family, with her own children being privy to things that I am not. I’ve endured this from afar while my dad celebrated holidays and birthdays with his new family. I begged to come celebrate a milestone birthday and instead, my stepmom had his party during a week when it was impossible for me to attend.


Although we were close, my mom was always mad at me when I spent time with my dad. She used to cry when I told her I was going to visit him.


Divorce is a never-ending battle for the children left in its wake, and it doesn’t end at the courthouse. To all the children of divorce, I’m sorry if your parents remarry. It is a painful existence, feeling like you don’t really fit anywhere in the family dynamic of their new lives.


I’ve been married for almost 30 years and divorce was never an option in our family. We raised three daughters who have always known they are important and cherished on a daily basis.




I'm Still Not Over My Parents' Divorce


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