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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Look What Happens When We Listen to You

By Dr. Laura on March 19, 2024
Man and boy sit on blue tractor while riding in the field

I’m a lifelong listener, going way back to my wee days of riding in the tractor with my dad. Even at that age, I recognized your famous sayings. For example: β€œI am my kid’s mom,” or β€œGo do the right thing.” During difficult times, I still ask myself, β€œWhat would Dr. Laura say?” We lifelong listeners embrace these quotes.  


Early on, I learned to take my time to find the right partner. To this day, you remind us, β€œThey should align with your values and how you want to raise a family.” When I began to date, I did as you said. I took the time to find the right person rather than compromising with the wrong person.  


I chose wisely β€” my wife’s a hunny and an amazing stay-at-home mom β€” because we had the β€˜big’ conversation before getting engaged. It was simple for us: I wanted to build a house and she wanted to make it a home. Our healthy marriage was β€” and continues to be β€” built off that notion. Marriage is so much fun when you’re on the same page!  


Thank you for the lifetime of advice. My son is now the one riding with me in the tractor, listening to Dr. Laura.  




Look What Happens When We Listen to You


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