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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Men Really ARE Simple Creatures

By Dr. Laura on August 4, 2022
Email of the Day: Men Really ARE Simple Creatures

My husband and I married when he was 24 and I was 23. The beginning went well, but we almost didn’t make it to our tenth anniversary. Around that time, he gave me a copy of β€œThe Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.” With a twinge, I started reading. As you know, it’s hard to reform a feminist. But a light bulb went on as soon as I understood Chapter Six (the one on sex). No one had ever explained how and why sex is important to men, and why we hold the key! Now we give that book to all brides we know, and β€œThe Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage” to the grooms.


Recently, an acquaintance asked me what was the best year of my marriage. I surprised both of us with the answer, because I said β€œlast year.” My marriage has been getting better and better ever since I started following your suggestions in the book. I now have a husband who will do anything for me.


But the best story is when I asked my husband to come help me pick out a dress for our anniversary party. He immediately said β€œyes.” When at the store, he sat reading. Every time I came out of the dressing room, he gave his opinion and then went back to reading. A woman then came over to him and said β€œI wish my husband did that.” They started talking and she asked him what the secret was. He said β€œMen are simple; all we require are two things, and when we have those two things, we will do anything for our women – even going shopping with them!” We’re now celebrating our 40th anniversary and we couldn’t have done it without you, Dr. Laura.



Men Really ARE Simple Creatures





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