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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Daughter Sounded Just Like You

By Dr. Laura on May 25, 2022
Email of the Day: My Daughter Sounded Just Like You

I’ve been listening to you for three years. When we get in the car, my daughter tries to change the channel, because she thinks you are too harsh. This past year, she’s been struggling with a friend who, just to ruffle my daughter’s feathers, has been taking her snacks and other belongings without asking. My daughter has told the girl many times that it was not okay.


Finally, they sat down with a teacher, and the other girl pleaded to remain friends. My daughter (who will be 12 this month) replied, β€œI have asked you many times to stop. I do not want to be friends with someone who will not take my words into consideration until an adult is involved.”


I was so proud of her for using her own words, being mature, and noticing when a friendship isn’t a good fit. I told her I was proud of her, and said, β€œYou know, I think you sounded a little like Dr. Laura there.” She looked at me with a smile and said β€œI know. I thought that too!”



My Daughter Sounded Just Like You




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