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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: My Husband, My Superhero

By Dr. Laura on February 21, 2024
Man in superhero cape flexes his biceps while woman in the back has hands to her face and looks at him in awe

I heard your suggestion to a caller that she ask her man to "save the day". You told the caller, "Men want to be needed, and when you ask them to save the day, they love it. Your man will respond like a superhero." Dr Laura, you are so right! 


I found myself overwhelmed with projects this weekend. Instead of taking it all on myself, I asked him if he would help me and "save the day." Boy oh boy did his chest puff up! His cape was ready! What a difference from nagging. Not only was his attitude amazing, but he also helped me more than I expected.  Being sweet isn't a sign of weakness, it's a brilliant tool to negotiate what you need and want from your man.


My man is awesome, and I will continue to allow him to save the day.




My Husband, My Superhero


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