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Email of the Day: Our Sons Think A Good Woman Is Hard To Find

By Dr. Laura on August 24, 2023
Magnifying glass lays on top of a line of red hearts against a pink background

My husband and I raised four sons, who are now adults. I homeschooled them the last half of their education, and I was a stay-at-home mom. We taught our sons that dating was intended to find a wife, not to have sex. Our two oldest served their country, dated their future wives, married and had children in that order. Their wives stay at home and raise their families, and they homeschool as well. Our two youngest sons go to work every day, own their own homes and have cars that are paid off. They want to be married, but here is the problem – they can’t find girls who have not shacked up with some stud.



These girls who pass themselves around to every man and live with whoever will have them, are NOT the kind of young women a man who has worked hard and waited patiently their entire life wants to marry. Finding the right, eligible man isn’t the problem; finding women who value themselves enough to wait for the right man – THAT’S the problem.


My future daughters-in-law will be happy women. I know, because my sons take after their father.




Our Sons Think A Good Woman Is Hard To Find


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