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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Popular Culture is Harmful to Girls

By Dr. Laura on June 22, 2022
Email of the Day: Popular Culture is Harmful to Girls

I see popular culture harming girls from before the cradle all the way to the grave. I am the father of adopted twin daughters. “Adopted” is relevant, since today’s culture almost resulted in their birth mother aborting them.


So, if the daughter survives the womb, she moves on to fairy-tale books where the toad becomes the prince (never the nice guy who treats her well). Then there are the Disney movies. The Beast from “Beauty and the Beast,” who imprisoned Belle’s father, changes. Aladdin is a thief who will show her a world he’s never seen himself. And males on soap operas and in chick-flick movies are rarely hard-working, responsible men, while those who go to work in suits are portrayed as villains. And don’t ignore the fixation with vampires and werewolves who cannot get too upset or they will lose control and hurt the girl, but underneath, they’re kind fluffy puppies with bad teeth.


Popular culture teaches girls that casual sex is “freedom” and sex with boyfriends is “love,” yet sex with husbands who make a commitment to them is considered “oppression.”



Popular Culture is Harmful to Girls




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