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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Preschool with Mom Is the Only Preschool I Support

By Dr. Laura on April 11, 2024
Email of the Day: Preschool with Mom Is the Only Preschool I Support

I was raised by a stay-at-home mom and saw all the benefits. But until I became a mom, I didn’t realize the profound impact it would have on my own family. Your book, β€œIn Praise of Stay at Home Moms,” was the inspiration I needed to leave my job.


I desperately tried to work from home when my baby was born. Surprise, surprise β€” it didn’t work. I tried going part-time, but realized it was only a temporary solution to a long-term problem. It’s embarrassing to admit, but placing your baby in the crib while you take an emergency work call is a sign you’re on the wrong track.


After our daughter turned two, I finally decided to quit. Hallelujah! It only took ONE week to notice the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom.! My husband began commenting on the little things I did. He’s even said, β€œYou make really great Italian food β€” it seems to be your thing!” I almost fell off the couch when he said this β€” I never thought I could cook!


As for our little girl, I have never missed any of her firsts. We get all the laughter, uninterrupted hugs and snuggles that I could ever want. When asked what preschool she goes to, I smile and say, β€œPreschool with mom." 





Preschool with Mom Is the Only Preschool I Support


The laughter, the joy, the hugs β€” there's plenty to go around when you witness this everyday. What moments do YOU cherish as a stay-at-home mom? You can share with me by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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