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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: 10 Out of 10 Babies Agree

By Dr. Laura on April 25, 2024
A line of sitting babies have thumbs up signs above their heads

I'm proud of myself for the around-the-clock love and work I have put into raising my three children A friend was over recently and telling me about a coworker who wanted to extend her maternity leave. I piped up and said this woman just has to make a choice, either go back to work and send her kid to daycare where he won't be loved on all day or be his mom. I also added, "10 out of 10 babies prefer their moms."


Apparently, I struck a nerve and tapped at some β€œtrue guilt,” as you would describe it. My friend immediately retorted that her kids didn't go to daycare. That they had a nanny who was like Mary Poppins. She boasted it was the best of both worlds because she could work, and the children loved her.


I bit my tongue, smiled and mentally high-fived myself because I don't have to carry guilt around that I wasn't there for my kids. I was truly their natural habitat. And where is this Mary Poppins now? Not in their life!


Moms matter, and kids prefer their moms.




10 Out of 10 Babies Agree


What lessons did you try to teach your kids at an early age? What do you wish someone had taught you? Share your thoughts with me by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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