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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Investing in My Family's Future

By Dr. Laura on March 18, 2024
Woman sits at desk with girl while in front of a laptop

I was listening to your podcasts, and you were asking listeners to let you know how being a stay-at-home mom has benefited their families. I’ll start off by saying I feel incredibly blessed my husband is able to provide for all of us. I was once a career woman. I dropped all of that for my husband and kids. Now life has rewarded me with the best years I’ve had so far.


I feel being home provides my kids with a very important sense of security and emotional support. I can always tell when I pick them up from school if they had a good or bad day. I can talk to them about it, so we bond now, and it does not become an issue later. We know that being a teen is hard for kids and parents so we strongly believe that being there for your kids now will smooth the teenage years. I take pride in being a stay-at-home mom and doing this seemingly "payless" job, but I ask you, is it really payless? The payment is in the future, when we are old, and our kids are emotionally secure, happy, and functional adults without abandonment issues. Being a stay-at-home mom is the best job in the world!



Best regards,


Investing in My Family's Future


How have you emotionally or physically invested in your children's future? Click the button below or email your stories to me at drlaura@drlaura.com!


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