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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Life as a Stay-At-Home Mom

By Dr. Laura on March 11, 2024
Mom kicks soccer ball outside with two young boys

Thanks to listening to your advice for years, I chose wisely. You helped me to treat a wonderful man kindly, and he has been my husband for 20 years now. I also became a stay-at-home mom to our two sons.


It is because of this wonderful lifestyle of being at home that I was able to volunteer at my kids’ schools and at church. I attended every single game my kids were involved in. We made forts and played with lots of Legos. I took them to countless doctor’s appointments. I was able to rub their backs and cuddle them when they were sick too. And in the summer, we played in the lake!


When my boys entered high school, there was pressure to go back to work full time, but I knew that it wasn't yet time. My job is to safeguard my sons. I am happy with the ugly young men they are becoming. Thank you for the years of advice that has helped me to become a decent mom and girlfriend.



Too blessed to be depressed,


Life as a Stay-At-Home Mom


What was your stay-at-home mom experience like? Click the button below or email your stories to me at drlaura@drlaura.com!


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