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Email of the Day: Thank You for Your Wisdom, Mother Laura

By Dr. Laura on April 22, 2024
Woman wearing headphones smiles at phone while holding her baby belly

My mom and dad often played your radio show while driving my siblings and me. Admittedly, I hated your show when I was a child. I remember feeling angry and confused about why my mom listened to you. She was the opposite of what you encourage women to be. She didn’t create a loving home for us. Instead, it was filled with her abuse, and my dad did nothing to stop her.


Against my will, your influence sunk in once I got older. YOU taught me how to be a good wife and a loving but firm mother. Thanks to you, I learned how to make my house a home.


I listen to your show while I do my house chores, run errands, and drive my kids to their activities. I now have the parent-child relationship I always wanted as a child. By no means am I perfect. But every day, I work on being the wife my husband deserves and the mother my children deserve β€” no matter how I'M feeling that day.



Thank you for helping me,


Thank You for Your Wisdom, Mother Laura


Did you grow up listening? How did my words make a difference? I want to know! Send me an email at drlaura@drlaura.com!


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