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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: The Proper Care and Feeding of Each Other

By Dr. Laura on May 10, 2023
Woman in beige shirt with an exposed pregnant belly smiles at man sitting next to her in bed and offering a red heart plush

After hearing a recent “Deep Dive” podcast of yours, I thought about how my husband cares and feeds me in the most beautiful ways. On my birthday last month, I was awakened by a “kiss attack” from him. He put all my presents on the bed and had me unwrap them right as I woke up. One of my favorite gifts from him was a “coupon book” that he filled in with things like “redeem for a 30-minute foot massage,” and “redeem for a 20-minute make-out session.”



We are expecting our first child any day now, which made this gift even more thoughtful. My husband wrote a note at the front of the coupon book that said “I love you as a partner, wife, and friend, and I look forward to loving you as a mom. I know we’re going to be very busy these next few months as we welcome our baby into the world, so this gift is my attempt to stay focused on each other. Let me help you, let me serve you, and let me love on you.”


As I read through all the sweet and thoughtful coupons, I couldn’t help but think about how he cares for me emotionally, mentally and physically. We both make an effort to focus on the sensual aspects of our relationship, which makes the sexual and intimate parts of our marriage that much more special.


When he comes home from work, he sits on the couch and I rub his feet, while he tells me about his day. This is one of my favorite rituals, because we’re able to connect after being apart all day, and I know the simple act of rubbing his feet shows him a glimpse of my appreciation.


Even with a newborn baby, I will remember to be his girlfriend each and every day.



The Proper Care and Feeding of Each Other


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