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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: We Transformed Our Marriage

By Dr. Laura on August 23, 2023
Woman in exercise clothes maintains a plank while high-fiving man in exercise clothes also maintaining a plank

I used to nag, hold grudges, pout, make snarky comments, think of what was wrong with my man, wear ugly flannels to bed over ugly β€œold lady” underwear, complain first thing in the morning, not ask him questions or partake in his hobbies, and let myself gain too much weight, BUT I never withheld sex (about the only good thing I did). Yikes! I was an embarrassingly bad wife.



Then he got a new, svelte, vivacious, marathon-running, same age-as-me co-worker. My transformation was instantaneous – warp zone speed, no therapy needed! Fast track to save my marriage before it was too late! I worked out like an Olympian athlete, cooked his favorite gourmet meals Ward Cleaver would be envious of, wore silk teddies and thong underwear, batted my eyes, giggled, rubbed his back, and rubbed everything and anything – including his ego. I learned so much about sports, I could have started my own morning sports talk show, complete with stats. I became the woman I thought would be perfect for my man.


Guess what? I transformed and I like myself again. He transformed and I like him again, and he became a stud, not for her, but for me. We both won. And it’s fun. If you leave your ego at the stoop before entering the home, it is magic!




We Transformed Our Marriage


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