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Email of the Day: What My Husband Did for Me

By Dr. Laura on January 17, 2024
Knight in armor lifts up sword to strike while holding shield in front of himself

Iโ€™ve heard you mention that masculinity can be one of the most wonderful things in the world, and I agree. I treat my husband like a man, and the return has been everything you have promised!


In the summer, we took a โ€œtubingโ€ trip down a very fast, rocky, secluded river with steep embankments. My tube โ€œpopped,โ€ and even though we tried, it wasnโ€™t feasible for us to share his tube. In the chaos, we both lost our sandals. Instead of taking me up on my offer to share the burden of walking the rest of the trip, he insisted I take HIS tube to the end. He then walked two hours over jagged rocks in the icy cold river. He refused to take a break and let me walk for a while.


When we finally got to a place where we could climb up on land, his feet were bloody and swollen, and he was shivering from head to toe.


My point is this: as I was floating along, I thought to myself, โ€œThese arenโ€™t exactly shark-infested waters, and thereโ€™s no lemonade involved, but I think that Dr. Laura would approve!โ€




What My Husband Did for Me


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