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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Your Nagging Saved My Marriage

By Dr. Laura on January 22, 2024
Two wooden figurines smile at one another while one of them hands a bouquet to the other

Thank you for nagging, because it saved my marriage! I’m in my second marriage (my first husband passed away after 22 wonderful years). I waited twelve years before remarrying, but things got difficult five years in.


I became very critical of my husband when he was no longer attracted to me. We were no longer intimate. He wasn’t attracted to me because I gained weight, and I gained weight because I didn’t care any longer. Because I didn’t care, I became critical of his every move. I’m not sure how we stayed together, but I’m glad we did.


After I found you on SiriusXM, I started to lose weight. I’m down 30 pounds and have about 15 to go. I also started being nice to him again no matter what the response. I complimented every little thing I could find. It took some time, but we finally started to talk – really talk. Suddenly, he was the man I fell in love with years ago. He now tells me how much he loves me, and we’re like newlyweds again. It’s wonderful, and I wanted you to know that your impact is far wider than just the people you talk to on your program.




Your Nagging Saved My Marriage


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