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Topic: Bad Childhood

Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Childhood Trauma Is Back In My Life
By Dr. Laura on December 15, 2023

Andrew is reluctant to testify against the man who molested him decades ago.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: How Do I Move Past the Anger I Now Feel Towards My Mother?
By Dr. Laura on November 22, 2023

Kayla never paid much attention to growing up without a mother. Now that she is a mother, she realizes her anger toward her own mom.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Wish My Dad Cared More
By Dr. Laura on October 11, 2023

Lindsey is sad about how much time her dad devotes to his job and his new wife while seemingly having none for her.

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Bad Childhood

Blog: What Makes You Lovable?
By Dr. Laura on September 25, 2023

Early childhood experiences with our moms and dads strongly influence how we view ourselves. We look to our parents for validation that we’re lovable. Unfortunately, there's no parenting...

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Don't Wish to Know My Mother
By Dr. Laura on September 22, 2023

Meredith's parents lost custody of her many years ago and she doesn't appreciate her grandfather's attempts to reunite her with her bio-mom.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Parents Forgave a Child Molester
By Dr. Laura on September 13, 2023

Rachel is finding it hard to understand how her parents could not only forgive the man who molested her brothers but continue a friendship with him.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Want to Replace My Bad Memories
By Dr. Laura on September 1, 2023

Is there anything Robert can do today to help erase the bad memories of his childhood?

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Don't Want to Be a Bad Person
By Dr. Laura on July 21, 2023

13-year-old Riley's chaotic home life is taking a toll on her character. She has started stealing and generally becoming a type of person she doesn't want to be.

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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: I Felt Powerless After My Parents Divorced
By Dr. Laura on July 12, 2023

I heard you take a call from a 12-year-old girl whose divorced (and absent) father was concerned she wasn’t calling him every day. After the girl said she loved her father but was angry at...

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