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Topic: Career


Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Terrified to Interview - Part 1
By Dr. Laura on February 7, 2023

Cara is feeling a total lack of confidence in her ability to handle her first job interview after 23 years as a stay-at-home mom.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Ready to Start My Next Chapter
By Dr. Laura on January 13, 2023

Single mom, Andrea, has successfully raised her son and wants Dr. Laura's advice on how to take on the next phase of her life.

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International Podcast Day: Were My Expectations Too High?
By Dr. Laura on September 30, 2022

Did you know I have released over 2,000 calls of my podcast? Since today is #InternationalPodcastDay, I wanted to share this #FlashbackFriday, my first Call of the Day episode when Kelly...

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Email of the Day: What I’m Doing Between β€œNow and Dead”
By Dr. Laura on September 26, 2022

When I heard you ask the question, β€œwhat are you going to do between now and death?” several times, I began thinking how I would answer that. I’ve always loved sewing, and I often spent...

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Call of the Day Podcast: All My Plans Are Shot
By Dr. Laura on September 26, 2022

18-year-old McCaulay says he's lost and not sure what the future holds since an accident that left him seriously injured. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Give yourself time to recover and to explore new...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Husband Doesn't Support My Dream
By Dr. Laura on August 26, 2022

Renee's husband encouraged her to pursue her dream job, but now he's pressuring her to reject the job offer. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "You have to decide if his pattern of controlling behavior is...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I've Had It With Work
By Dr. Laura on June 27, 2022

Susan is tired of her stressful job and wonders how she should go about telling her boss that she's ready to retire. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Your only obligation to your employer is to handle...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Being Discharged From My Program
By Dr. Laura on June 17, 2022

Max performed poorly in his special Navy program because he had a change of heart and is worried about how to tell his parents that he was released. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "You are the architect of...

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Call of the Day Podcast: This is Not The Life I Want
By Dr. Laura on June 7, 2022

Joshua's father expects him to work in the family business, but he'd like to take a different path. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "You're not obligated to follow in your father's footsteps."

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