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Topic: Grandparents


Email of the Day: My Grandmother Set a Great Example for Me
By Dr. Laura on December 16, 2020

When I was almost 6-years-old I went to Sweden with my mom, my grandmother, and my great aunt and uncle to visit relatives. My birthday occurred while we were in Stockholm, and two things...

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Email of the Day: Making a Difficult Family Choice
By Dr. Laura on October 30, 2020

My husband and I have been married 43 years. We made a promise from the beginning to keep making each other happy and not have our children suffer from the effects of divorce (my parents...

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Email of the Day: My Grandmother Had Grit!
By Dr. Laura on September 22, 2020

I often hear callers say that doing the right thing is hard.Let me tell you about my grandmother.In 1940, she had a child with Down syndrome.She was told strongly by the professionals...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Grandma v. Grandma
By Dr. Laura on September 15, 2020

14-year-old Jamie is caught between two grandmothers who despise each other!! Dr. Laura: "Just because youโ€™re related, doesnโ€™t mean theyโ€™re nice."

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Call of the Day Podcast: Grandma Is An Alcoholic
By Dr. Laura on September 1, 2020

Nicholas is concerned for his motherโ€™s relationship with her mom who has a terrible drinking problem. Dr. Laura: "Sheโ€™d rather be drunk than be a warm mommy."

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Fear Rejection
By Dr. Laura on July 10, 2020

Katia's thoughts of her past divorce are overwhelming her ability to commit to her current relationship. Dr. Laura: "Cut this crap out or you'll lose him."

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COTD: To Wear or Not To Wear, That Is The Question
By Dr. Laura on July 9, 2020

Dawn purchased her grandchildren two-piece swimsuits and can't understand why her daughter won't allow them to be worn. Dr. Laura: "Don't be intrusive and arrogant."

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Email of the Day: The Greatest Gift You Could Give To A Child
By Dr. Laura on June 15, 2020

I grew up in a family that seldom gave a hug. Fortunately, I married into a family that enjoyed hugging, and I eventually became comfortable giving hugs. Four years ago, I became a...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Do We Cave Into Our Grandsonโ€™s Request?
By Dr. Laura on April 9, 2020

Carolโ€™s grandson wants to use her beach home as a wedding venue, but sheโ€™s not particularly happy with what she sees as an abusive marriage in the making. Dr. Laura: "You must always...

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