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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:



Topic: Marriage


Blog: Making Hard Choices
By Dr. Laura on February 12, 2024

What do you do when your relationship has come to a fork in the road? When Mike and Lindsey first called me, he wanted to keep their marriage headed in the direction it had been going for...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Not Sure About This
By Dr. Laura on February 12, 2024

In their follow-up call with Dr. Laura, Mike and Lindsey are still struggling to move forward with their decision to remain childless, and the idea of divorce remains on the table.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Not Sure We Made the Right Decision
By Dr. Laura on February 12, 2024

In their follow-up call with Dr. Laura, Mike and Lindsey are still struggling to move forward with their decision to remain childless, and the idea of divorce remains on the table.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Miserable, But...
By Dr. Laura on February 9, 2024

Joe isn't happy in his marriage, but he doesn't want to leave, and he hasn't come up with a plan to improve things.

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Call of the Day Podcast: What's a Wife Do About a β€œLimp Dick” Husband?
By Dr. Laura on February 9, 2024

Shelly is seriously disappointed in the way her husband parents his children, and Dr. Laura gives her three ways to approach the situation.

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Marriage Deep Dive

Deep Dive: Be Sweet to Your Sweetie
By Dr. Laura on February 8, 2024

When it comes to marriage, love is not enough. It's the effort that makes the difference between being married and being in a loving marriage.

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Husband Still Makes Me See Red
By Dr. Laura on February 6, 2024

Amy calls Dr. Laura for her next lesson in controlling her anger and repairing the communication with her husband.

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Email of the Day: I’m Going to Love My Husband Fearlessly
By Dr. Laura on February 5, 2024

Your recent conversation with a wife struck a chord in me. She said she was guarded around her husband. In response, you brought up her childhood and her broken family. My parents...

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Call of the Day Podcast: All Bets Are off When You Marry a Bum
By Dr. Laura on January 26, 2024

April wants to fix her marriage, but Dr. Laura says "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" doesn't work on men who act like hers.

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