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Topic: Relationships


Blog: How Couples Can Avoid Turning Conversations into Arguments
By Dr. Laura on November 17, 2022

A few weeks back, a young woman in her twenties called in about her serious issues with anger. She and her partner would barely start a conversation and she would already be angry and...

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COTD Podcast: Is This Relationship Working or is it a Waste?
By Dr. Laura on November 4, 2022

How should Ashlen proceed with her boyfriend of 4 years who just admitted that he's not sure he wants to marry her?

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Call of the Day Podcast: Why Am I Beating a Dead Horse?
By Dr. Laura on August 25, 2022

Carrie's relationship with her alcoholic girlfriend is over, but the worry she feels and thoughts of saving her continues. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Holding on to unhealthy relationships helps you...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Sad That My Threesome Is Over - Part 2
By Dr. Laura on August 9, 2022

In part 2 of this call, Allison continues to explore with Dr. Laura how her childhood could have led to her interest in being β€œthe other woman” in a threesome. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Negative...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Sad That My Threesome Is Over - Part 1
By Dr. Laura on August 9, 2022

Allison says she is sad and having a hard time moving on after breaking off a three-way love affair. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "You've successfully avoided the risk of a one-on-one relationship."

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Call of the Day Podcast: Who Can I Trust?
By Dr. Laura on July 14, 2022

Lisa's parents and husband warned her to be cautious around new people, and now Lisa isn't sure how to tell the difference between a nice person and a potential shark. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: ...

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Email of the Day: All a Good Man Wants Is a Good Woman
By Dr. Laura on March 31, 2022

The most beautiful women are the ones who are selfless. I love it when I look at a woman’s page on social media and it’s nice and sweet – no β€œclub” pictures, no pictures of her at a...

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Email of the Day: The Power of The Phrase β€œI Love You”
By Dr. Laura on January 19, 2021

Back when my fiancΓ© and I were dating, I told him I loved him. He said, "Thank you," and that he cared about me more than anyone else, but he couldn't say it back right then. He said,...

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Email of the Day: How to Have A Good Life
By Dr. Laura on January 15, 2021

My mother passed away three years ago. She and my dad had been married for 57 years, and I was deeply concerned for my father. I stayed in close contact with him, calling him daily and...

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