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Letters From Listeners

A Flurry of Fur

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I love cats. While we were dating, my future husband, a big tough construction worker, thought it would impress me to know that he liked cats too, although he had a dog. In fact, he mentioned several times his neighbor's cat would just wander over to his house and hang out with him. sweet is that? 

Well, my husband-to-be invited me to his house for a dinner date. It was lovely...homemade breaded pork chops, mashed potatoes and baked beans! While we were eating, we heard a scratching on the front screen door. "See, there's Ricky here to see me!", my future husband said. He was so excited. He opened the door and bent down to pick up the cat. Well, the next thing I saw was Ricky attaching himself to my husband-to-be's face in a flurry of fur, teeth, and slashing claws. OMGosh! My soon-to-be and now bloody husband pulled Ricky the FERAL BARN CAT off of him, GENTLY set him outside the door, turned wide-eyed to look at me, and...LAUGHED. We both laughed until we cried. He didn't get angry. He didn't curse. He didn't kick the cat. He just laughed! 

Although it seems silly and there are many other factors involved THAT made me decide I wanted to be his wife. I chose very wisely. We have been happily married for 20 years now. We are raising two really good boys. I am a proud stay-at-home mom. 

We laugh A LOT. I am so thankful and blessed. And yes, we have a dog and a CAT! 


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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Dating, Humor, Marriage
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