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Letters From Listeners

Over Worrying

I used to be an over-worrier. Finally, I got some great advice; think through the "what if" you are worried about.

"What if my husband loses his job because of the economy?"

  • Well, we have this much saved, he will get on the hunt for something else immediately. 
  • I could go back to work. 
Ok, now you have a plan, no more worry needed. 

"What if we can't take a trip to see far off family for the holidays?"

  • We'll spend the time in our own home, make some phone calls to loved ones and take lots of pictures of the kids. 

Once you have a plan, the worry is easier to let go of! 

Just a little tip. Thanks for sharing!


Tell us your tips for letting go of the worry wart in you, by signing up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.  


Tags: Attitude, Mental Health, Personal Responsibility, Stress, Tips
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