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Letters From Listeners

The Power of Visualization

Hi Dr. Laura,

As I am not clever in reacting verbally to an attack, I have trained myself most of the time to not react right away to hurtful, annoying behavior of others.

I visualize putting anger and annoyance in a balloon, and letting it go out the window. When calm, I think about the best way to handle the issue. I Pray about it and come up with a plan of action.

Sometimes people who enjoy causing drama will do this to me if they think I will react beautifully. I don't ignore it anymore like I did as a younger person. It merely builds up until I explode. If it is a person I can talk to, I ask them how they see the situation first. Then, I explain how I see it.

Just thought I would share! Thanks for all you do!

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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Character-Courage-Conscience, Mental Health, Stress
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