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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Am I Part of A Dying Breed Of Women?

By Dr. Laura on September 14, 2023
Woman sits on the ground underneath the tree and holds up baby while man holds hand of little boy, both walking away

I recently read a blog by a mom who wrote about dropping off her baby at day care. She wrote β€œI want you to know that I am a better mommy because I work. I am not stay-at-home mom material.” My immediate thought was if you know you’re not β€œstay-at-home mom material,” then why on earth would you ever consider having children? I just can’t fathom bringing a precious life into this world with the intention of immediately institutionalizing the little sweet pea shortly after birth! Am I just part of a dying breed of women who still see the value and pure fulfillment in staying home with my children to nurture them, love them, and ensure they develop into responsible adults who can contribute positively to society some day? I would never, ever trust an institution to do that for me.


Please keep fighting the good fight, Dr. Laura. I don’t know how you don’t scream at these brainwashed women who happily drop their kids off at day care. I hope for opportunities to encourage others that I come across in my life to raise their kids themselves.



A happy stay-at-home momma,


Am I Part of A Dying Breed Of Women?


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