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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Being a Wife and Mother Is Liberating

By Dr. Laura on October 31, 2022
Email of the Day: Being a Wife and Mother Is Liberating

I used to be the breadwinner. I also used to like wearing the pants in the family. My attitude changed as I got older. I don’t want to wear the pants now.


I like my husband making the money while I can make sure my kids are loved and protected at home. My job is harder than his is. I can say this, because I used to do the job he’s doing now, which is teaching. Anyone who thinks they can work (even as a teacher) and raise three children without their children suffering is either superhuman or they’re lying to themselves. And anyway, my husband likes being the breadwinner.


My life is way more liberated now as a wife and mother than it ever was when I had a career. Some men can’t find jobs or their wives make more than they do, but there are many men who need to square their shoulders and own their responsibilities as men. None of my working mom friends work harder than I do, and they don’t have it as good as I do. I wouldn’t trade my position with theirs.



Being a Wife and Mother Is Liberating



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