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Email of the Day: Hooray for Hypnotherapy!

By Dr. Laura on September 23, 2022
Email of the Day: Hooray for Hypnotherapy!

I recently heard a call from a 65-year-old woman who suffered from panic attacks when traveling to Europe with her husband. You shared a story of how you supported a woman you were flying with through hypnotherapy.


Hypnotherapy has changed my life. I hadn’t flown in a plane for many years, because I too experienced severe panic attacks on each flight. I’m a brave, strong woman, and it drove me nuts that I felt so weak and chose not to fly or even go in an elevator!


Everything changed once I experienced hypnotherapy. Since then, I’ve been on eight flights and countless elevator rides with no problem. I have six flights scheduled this coming year. My husband and I are taking our first big trip since our honeymoon 33 years ago. I am living my life to the fullest!


I am thrilled you suggested hypnotherapy and hope your caller has much success and many enjoyable travel experiences with her husband.



Hooray for Hypnotherapy!




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