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Email of the Day: I Accepted My Shortcomings

By Dr. Laura on May 8, 2023
Man with ginger hair and beard wearing plaid shirt closes eyes and looks up

I compete in a shotgun shooting sport called “Sporting Clays,” and it’s become a passion for me. Several months ago, you spoke to someone about competing, and your comments really hit home for me. You said that when you compete, there will be failure, but when you fail, your family still loves you, your friends still want to be with you, and there WILL be a tomorrow.



I was heading to my first competition of the year when I heard this. So, when I stepped into the shooting stand, I could hear your voice in the back of my head. A sense of calm came over me. I accepted my shortcomings in the sport, and I just went for it. I finished second in my class. The next day, I came in first!


Your mantra is now part of my “pre-shot” routine, something that a shooter goes through before pulling the trigger. It must be repetitive – kind of like shooting a free throw in basketball. When I competed this past weekend, I finished with two first place in class and one second place. You were there again speaking in my ear.


I think you can now add “shooting coach” to your resume!



I Accepted My Shortcomings


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