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Email of the Day: I Can’t Fix You, But I Can Fix Me

By Dr. Laura on February 1, 2023
Email of the Day: I Can’t Fix You, But I Can Fix Me

I married my wonderful husband when I was 25 and he was 31. I was a very immature girl and turned to drinking as a response to my husband not doing what I wanted him to do. He had three children (two of them with me). We did everything wrong and literally fought through it all.


I stopped drinking through a twelve-step program. I remember the day I stood in front of him and said: “I am committed to this marriage. I have no plans to divorce you. I can’t fix you, but I can fix me!” Things got better. Every day, I worked on me and my attitude.

I remember when I used to get so mad at him about something, I couldn’t even control my temper. After my recovery and my attitude change, when he walked in the door from work, I put my arms around him, gave him a big hug and said “I love you.” All that anger disappeared.

He retired at age 52 and we had wonderful, fun-filled years until he passed away. I would not have changed one thing. I am so grateful I stayed, because the children won, their dad won, and I won.



I Can’t Fix You, But I Can Fix Me



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