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Email of the Day: I Learned How to Live Again

By Dr. Laura on October 25, 2023
Woman stands outside in the field with her arms open and head facing up

I want to thank you for advice you gave to a young lady eleven years ago that helped me with surviving the worst life experience. Back then, I listened to your show on the radio each day driving home from work. One day, a young woman called, because she was feeling guilty about living again, and laughing again when her best friend had died. You told her two things in that call: 1) Life is for the living, and 2) We honor the dead by continuing to live.


Two weeks after I heard that call, another’s hands took the life of one of my sons. I used those two lines as a daily mantra to help me keep going until I learned how to live again. I just wanted to finally say thank you. You helped me by helping another, and I repeat those lines to help the others who have joined me on this journey of heartbreak. Our new normal isn’t easy, but it is possible to live again.




I Learned How to Live Again


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