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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: I Love Everything About Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

By Dr. Laura on October 5, 2022
Email of the Day: I Love Everything About Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

I thought of you recently as I was holding my 18-month-old daughter. We were both covered in her dinner and it made me smile. I wasn’t stressed; I was calm and could actually find humor in what we must have looked like. I could take the time to soothe and comfort her; she just wanted her momma to hold her.


Because of you, I’m a stay-at-home mom. I don’t have to wake up early to get her off to day care so I can rush off to work. I get asked frequently if I’m ready to go back to work, yet I wonder when did raising a human being become a “vacation?” Or I get asked when I’m going to start her in pre-school so she can start “learning.” I just smile and say my husband and I are teaching her everything she needs to know right now – that she is our priority and we love her (and each other) very much. When she calls out for “momma,” I know she’s calling for ME, not a nanny, babysitter or day care worker. There is no other place I’d rather be.



I Love Everything About Being a Stay-at-Home Mom




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