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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: I Made the Right Decision When I Was 21 Years Old

By Dr. Laura on July 13, 2022
Email of the Day: I Made the Right Decision When I Was 21 Years Old

I am 61 years old, and had my first baby when I was 21. The entire time I was pregnant, I had every intention of going back to work after my baby was six weeks old. That changed immediately when they put my baby boy in my arms for the first time. I looked at my husband and told him he needed to figure it out, but I was not going back to work. I would stay home and raise our child. At that moment, even the thought of taking my baby to a daycare made me sob uncontrollably.


I had three more children after that and never, ever regretted staying home with them. With my last boy, I would go to school and have lunch with him. One day, a little boy in his first-grade class looked at me and said, “I sure wish MY mommy would come have lunch with me, but she works all the time.” My heart broke, but the smile and look of pride on my son’s face meant everything to me and cemented the choice I had made as a young 21-year-old first-time mom.


Thank you, Dr. Laura, for everything you do to save our children.



I Made the Right Decision When I Was 21 Years Old




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