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Email of the Day: I Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone

By Dr. Laura on April 7, 2023
Woman in green-collared shirt smiles while clasping her hands

A while ago, I heard you discussing the fear of getting out of oneโ€™s comfort zone, and the same day I heard that, I had an opportunity to be an extra on a national TV show. Iโ€™m not an actor and donโ€™t live anywhere near Hollywood, but I thought it might be fun. Iโ€™m in my 50s, married with kids. I work from home and donโ€™t have a lot of outside contact. And I tend to be on the shy side, so going all alone to do something so completely different was definitely outside my comfort zone.



It was an hourโ€™s drive away, early in the morning, and they were shooting outside, so it would be chilly. And it was going to be a long day. I was mostly afraid of being all alone with no one to talk to. But when I heard you talk about leaving your comfort zone, I bravely committed to going.


As it turned out, I met many interesting people. From the moment I arrived, I struck up a conversation with everyone around me, mostly aspiring actors. What a fun group of people! Iโ€™ve never laughed so much! I even exchanged phone numbers with a few of them, and weโ€™ve made plans to get together. This was so far from what I had imagined it to be that if it werenโ€™t for you, I donโ€™t think I would have had the nerve to go, and I would have missed out on so much!



I Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone


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