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Email of the Day: I Stopped Making Excuses

By Dr. Laura on April 20, 2023
Man wearing white shirt and woman wearing green shirt stand next to each other with girl wearing green top and boy wearing white shirt stand in front of them, all flexing their biceps

Early in our marriage, I worked nights and my wife was a teacher. After listening to you, I quit my night job, got a day job, and my wife became a stay-at-home mom. When our three boys were teenagers, my schedule was brutal. Between driving them to their schools, which weren’t close to home, and working in a stressful job, I ended up either skipping lunch or eating fast food every day. When I got home, I ate a quick dinner, drank some wine, watched TV and went to bed.



Then I heard you talk to a caller who could have been me. You said that only excuses keep us from taking care of ourselves. My wife is not a cook, so I started preparing the family meals on the weekend. I brought salad mixes to work for lunch, and I joined a Kettlebell club (I got up at 4:30 to get to the gym to do that). After six months, I lost 35 pounds, added muscle tone and lost my belly. Our boys helped make the dinners, so we got to have some β€œcool” time together. And the whole family got to eat wonderful dinners together every night.

The best part is this enabled us to start spending more quality time together. And my newfound conditioning gave me more energy to deal with a busy schedule. Thank you for your nagging about this issue. It really works! We just have to listen. 



I Stopped Making Excuses


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