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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: I’m Proud of the Title “Mommy”

By Dr. Laura on January 3, 2023
Email of the Day: I’m Proud of the Title “Mommy”

I’ve never been so grateful or proud of a title: Mommy. That means I’m the one, day in and day out, who gets to share their laughter and smiles, hold them, an even wipe their runny noses when they’re sick. I’m the one who wakes up in the middle of the night to scare away the monsters or hold hair back while the stomach bug has infiltrated the house. My voice is the first good morning and the last whisper in their ears every night when they lay their sweet heads down.


Growing up, I volunteered in a local family-run day care, and I witnessed first-hand what can happen. Each night, it was one of two options for the vast majority of the kids: 1) they were so attached to having fun at the day care and the people who worked there that it was impossible to get them to go home without a kicking, screaming or yelling match on both ends; and 2) parents arrived so stressed, tired or busy that they hardly noticed their child was waiting with outstretched arms to be embraced in a giant hug only Mommy or Daddy could give. I was only 10 when I started playing with these kids, but even then, it broke my heart. I knew from day one that I wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world. I can’t imagine someone else having these memories with my kids and having their heart.


Thank you for your encouragement of stay-at-home moms. There’s not another job that could compare to these faces, runny noses, drool and all!



I’m Proud of the Title “Mommy”



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