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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: It’s Not About Me Anymore

By Dr. Laura on February 15, 2023
Woman kisses smiling baby in pink shirt

When my daughter was born, I quit my high-paying job and my husband and I moved back to our home state so I could stay home with her.


I worked in early intervention before I quit and all my daycare families would say things like “I would stay home, but we couldn’t afford our house,” or “I’d have to live somewhere else!” When I’d go to daycares for therapy visits, I’d see babies and toddlers with their noses pressed against the glass windows, watching their parents. It profoundly struck me. My co-workers told me that I may want to come back after a year or so, and that I’d be welcome. I told them “It’s not about me anymore.”

Well, we chose to live modestly and moved across the country, so my kids are loved by their mom every day. We plan on homeschooling and making the most of this precious time. I have very hard days, but I’ve never once regretted our decision. My daughter is now two years old and says “Bye bye, Dr. Laura” at the end of your program.



It’s Not About Me Anymore


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