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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: My Kids Were More Important Than an Immaculate Home

By Dr. Laura on January 30, 2024
Woman in apron stands in kitchen with two children that are baking and playing with flour next to her

When my oldest daughter was in 1st grade, one of her friends was over, and they went to the freezer to get a popsicle. This little girl saw the inside of our freezer and made the comment, "Your freezer is messy!" What 6-year-old is aware of the inside of a freezer?!?! I could only surmise that her mother was very concerned about keeping her house clean because the kids weren't allowed to play there. Our house was never spotless, but friends were always welcome. I was always willing to take time to play and do various projects, because my children were the top priority-- not the house. From the beginning, my kids knew that they were more important than anything else.


Our girls are now grown and, while not perfect by any means, they're making us proud. I feel that being a stay-at-home mom made a big difference in all of our lives. Maybe they would have turned out great anyway, but I am glad I don't have to wonder. And now all three of our daughters are doing what it takes to raise their own children (our 11 grandchildren!) and seeing the value in their roles as mothers.





My Kids Were More Important Than an Immaculate Home


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