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Email of the Day: My Parents Taught Me The Joy of Giving

By Dr. Laura on December 13, 2022
Email of the Day: My Parents Taught Me The Joy of Giving

I never felt poor growing up, even though we didn’t have much money. My parents taught us how much we had in comparison to other families by having us clean out our closets and toy boxes and then taking us to a poorer neighborhood to give those outgrown items to people who were much less fortunate than we. We traditionally did this every January. While we drove, my parents pointed out how much the sweaters we were taking the children would keep them warm in the winter.


We went to a neighborhood where people literally lived in cardboard houses, and the children were often barefoot. I remember my mother helping me look for a barefoot child who looked my size so I could give her my bag of clothes and toys. We couldn’t give to all the children and this always left me with the feeling of wanting to go back and give to another child. My motivation was the joyous reaction of these families. I found those expressions of joy more rewarding and satisfying than anything material could ever bring. I felt richer than a millionaire. This act of kindness that my family instilled in us taught me the meaning of gratitude. It also taught me to appreciate what I have, because there is always someone who has much less. I learned how satisfying giving can be, and it taught me true compassion.



My Parents Taught Me The Joy of Giving



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