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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: No One Understood Why I Was a Stay-At-Home Mom

By Dr. Laura on November 7, 2022
Email of the Day: No One Understood Why I Was a Stay-At-Home Mom

My husband and I made the decision for me to stay home to raise our children despite my parents, in-laws, sibling and friends pushing me to pursue my career and keep the kids at daycare. My mother (who has worked at a daycare for over 30 years) advised us that kids in daycare are more sociable, more educated and have fewer anxiety issues. My sister-in-law, who is a behavioral therapist focusing on elementary school-aged children, suggested that if I didn’t put the kids in daycare, they would have major social and behavioral problems. My mother-in-law (who worked in a school setting) said I was throwing away my career to stay home and cook and clean like a servant. And finally, my β€œfriends” thought that by spending all day, every day, with my kids I would be driven mentally ill.


No one understood why I would leave my six-figure salary career that I spent years pursuing. My response to everyone has been the same: My children need ME, not grandma and not a daycare employee. My husband needs ME happy and attentive – not a grumpy tired employee who comes home nagging about how tired I am of doing everything. My house needs ME so I don’t have to hire a cook or get unhealthy takeout food. I also WANT to serve my family and not serve financial deadlines and not serve my boss.


Thank you for being a huge influence on my life, because the female β€œrole models” around me clearly don’t understand the need for stay-at-home mothers anymore.



No One Understood Why I Was a Stay-At-Home Mom



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