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Email of the Day: Now I Know I Can Overcome Challenges

By Dr. Laura on April 12, 2024
Email of the Day: Now I Know I Can Overcome Challenges

I just wanted to update you since I called your program almost two years ago. I was so scared and anxious to go on my 18-month mission trip, and I needed your guidance.


Good news: I went on my mission and completed my 18 months. I was so scared that my mom would lose her fight with stage four colon cancer while I was gone.


But I DID IT, and I was so proud I went. You were right β€” we need to face challenges. And I’m glad I listened to you. During those 18 months, I grew up and learned so much about myself. I have a newfound confidence that I can overcome difficult situations. I wouldn’t be the same person without going through it all.


Thankfully, my mom has continued to fight cancer while I grow and learn. You have an immense impact not only on me, but the entire world. Thanks for everything you do.





Now I Know I Can Overcome Challenges


Have you called me before and listened to the guidance I gave? What did you learn? Bring me up to speed by sending me an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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