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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: Our Home Was the “Mom” House

By Dr. Laura on January 9, 2023
Email of the Day: Our Home Was the “Mom” House

Several things stand out in my mind that helped my husband and me make the decision for me to stay home to raise our kids.


My husband traveled for his job, and I was working for a Fortune 500 company. We’d see each other driving on opposite sides of the freeway, and we’d wave to each other going to and from work.

One day, my caregiver called me at work to tell me that my son had just lost his first tooth, and she and he were very excited! I went into the bathroom and cried.


Finally, while I was picking my son up at day care, a father walked in to get HIS girls. They smiled and put their arms out and said “Daddy!” In an instant, my son turned to the man, put his arms out also and said “Daddy.” I thought my heart would break. On the way home, I asked myself – what are you working for? My husband and I talked that evening, and it turned out he only agreed to my working because he thought it was what I wanted. So, we decided I would stay home from then on.


We drove cars until they wouldn’t move, we didn’t have a huge home, and we didn’t wear designer clothes. Instead, we focused on our family and each other. It was the best decision we ever made. To this day, my boys and their friends talk about how our home was the “Mom” house if anything happened to them, from needing a Band-Aid to just being scared. Our kids need us. It’s not so bad driving a ten-year-old car; in fact, it’s worth it!



Our Home Was the “Mom” House



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