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Email of the Day: The ABCs of Dr. Laura Wisdom

By Dr. Laura on September 19, 2022
Email of the Day: The ABC’s of Dr. Laura Wisdom

I’m a long-time listener and used the letters of the alphabet to represent your wisdom. Here goes:

A is for architect, as in “you are the architect of your own life.”

B is for Bad Childhood, Good Life and “between now and dead…”

C is for “choose wisely, treat kindly.”

D is for “Don’t have them if you won’t raise them.”

E is for “Email of the Day.”

F is for feminine wiles and flashing your spouse.

G is for the gavel!

H is for home, and in making a house a home.

I is for “I don’t know,” a dreaded phrase that ends a call.

J is for Jiminy Cricket, our official conscience.

K is for “kid’s mom.”

L is for love. Love is awe, admiration and respect.

M is for “Ma’am, ma’am, ma’am!”

N is for “Now, go do the right thing!”

O is for “1-800 DR LAURA.”

P is for The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, and The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage

Q is for “quit talking over me!”

R is for refund, as in the refund you should get from your therapist after talking to Dr. Laura.

S is for stay-at-home moms.

T is for Ten Stupid Things women and men do to mess up their lives.

U is for unloveable, dumb, fat or ugly – things you might think about yourself, making you settle for less.

V is for vacate, as “the adult snowflake still living with his parents needs to vacate the premises.”

W is for warm place to put it.

X is for (e)xaggerate, as in “don’t exaggerate when talking to me.”

Y is for “You can’t throw a rock in the water without making ripples.”

Z is for the “zone between your legs.” Have you noticed any equipment between your knees and navel?



The ABCs of Dr. Laura Wisdom



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