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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: We Overcame Bad Timing So I Could Be a SAHM

By Dr. Laura on October 25, 2022
Email of the Day: We Overcame Bad Timing So I Could Be a SAHM

After nearly ten years of infertility, we were surprised by three babies in four years. From the moment our first baby was growing in my womb, I knew there was no way I could hand over my mothering duties and sacred responsibility to anyone else. Your voice was deep and reverberating within me by the time these sweet children came along. The timing wasn’t right, though.


My husband was in the middle of a career change and that already meant sacrifice was ahead of us. He stayed home while changing his degree, but we worked and worked to make sure I could end up being with our children full-time. It meant other sacrifices too, like buying a used mini-van instead of getting new cars like we always did. It meant living in an apartment when we would have preferred not to. We even had to move to a different state to save money. So, for a time, we made sacrifices that would eventually lead to a perfect conclusion – my ability to be a full-time stay-at-home mom.


Thank you for speaking so forcefully about this issue, because I knew that no other option would have been good enough. I’m now the mother I want to be, and our hearts are full.



We Overcame Bad Timing So I Could Be a Stay-at-Home Mom




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